An Easy Daily Hack to Regain Calm, Creativity and Clarity

Simon Ash
2 min readJul 15, 2021
The feet of someone walking
Photo by Nicholas Githiri from Pexels

Why taking a short walk can help you to re-set, re-energise and re-ignite

Whenever I feel I am losing my calm, hitting a mental block in creativity or needing some clarity of thought I go for a quick walk. I love long walks but sometimes just stepping away from the desk and outside for 5–10 minutes is all that is needed.


As walking is a gentle exercise it gives us the chance to release pent up mental stress without over-stressing the body in doing so. Walking beyond the confines of our workspace also changes our environment and therefore also our perspective. The act of walking helps to regulate our breathing and physiological state and that, in turn, improves our psychological state.


The change of environment also produces new stimuli that promote creativity. As we allow our minds to wander our subconscious can get to work on whatever problem we are facing. This allows for the ‘eureka’ moments that come when we are in a more relaxed and mentally passive state.


As Sasha Doyle pointed out, the question that we all need to focus on is “What’s the most important thing I need to do today?” The challenge is, when…



Simon Ash

Ever curious. Lover of adventure. Fascinated by leadership. Inspired to serve others on their journey.