Do You Ever Dream of Being a Superhero?

Simon Ash
6 min readMay 6, 2021
A child dressed as a superhero
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Superheroes and the problem with the ‘Great Man’ theory of leadership

I heard the crack as my collarbone gave way. Surely this should not happen to a superhero. Where had I gone wrong?

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A Superhero in training

My cape billowed behind me. This was mainly because my Superman suit was too big and there was a draft in the hall. But the steely look on my face, that was 100% genuine.

The family was watching television, but not me. I laughed at their weakness. Mortals! They would watch greatness on the screen, but I would achieve greatness, right here in the hallway of our home.

This was no time for sitting around, I had committed myself to the rigours of disciplined training. I knew that if I was going to make an impact on the world — especially aged 6 — I needed to stand out. But I had to admit, learning to fly was hard.

I had a method. In the hall was a big antique chair with strong arms and a soft leather seat. From the arms I could launch myself to the stairs. Then I could turn on the stairs and leap back to the safety of the leather cushion. All I needed to do was inch the chair further away from the stairs after each successful flight. At…



Simon Ash

Ever curious. Lover of adventure. Fascinated by leadership. Inspired to serve others on their journey.